





this is a Polymer clay packing machine
High-Speed Polymer Clay Extruder and Packing Machine

A state-of-the-art, multi-function packaging solution designed for filling, wrapping, labeling, Versiegelung, and slitting various materials including plastic bags, film, and pouches. With a production capacity of 10-100 bags per minute and key features such as high accuracy and automatic operation, it’s ideal for a range of industries including manufacturing Polymer Clay, und mehr.

Full Automatic Play Dough Extrusion & Packing Line CB-350XLS

Full automatic production line with 2 In 1. Single or double auger for different rigidity material to extrude out. Suitable for play dough, Plastilin,flour dough, air dry clay, oil clay, Car Detailing Clay,space sand,sugar fondant,energy bar, usw.

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Good Quality Plasticine Package Machine With Cup

This machine is specially for play dough’s cup package production. Real full automatic, as it has cup feeding ,cup conveyed by metal chain,cup sterilization, extruder,shape forming,filling into cup , conveyed by metal chain, cups moving by mechanical arm, film sealing, cap feeding and capping

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Full Automatic Plasticine Extrusion & Packing Line CB-100L

Rotary cutting for high speed for small piece output. Geeignet zum Kneten , Plastilin, Modelliermasse, Epoxidklebstoff, Kristallton, fondant, sugar pasta etc.

Warum sollten Sie sich für die Verpackungsmaschinen von CHLB entscheiden?

Mit mehr als 20 years of experience, we are excellent at providing plasticine extruding and packaging machines for your soft doughy products, wie Plastilin, weicher Zucker, und Teig. Features of our Plasticine Packing Machine are as follows:
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    Beschaffung von Beutelverpackungsmaschinen? Sie erhalten ein kostenloses Angebot oder erfahren von unseren erfahrenen Experten weitere Details zur Lösung.

      Hochwertige Maschinen für Ihre Verpackungsanforderungen

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