Different packing machines for different medical appliances


CHLB packing machine provides 4 different machine for different medical appliances including gloves, gauze and syringes.

CB-300SZ full servo syringe flow packing machine using vibration tray to point material automatically, it can reduce production cost and improve efficiency. With dialyzing paper device meet sanitation requirement.

CB-300S full servo flow packing machine can pack medical gauzes with paper film in high speed. The circular brush on exit can be separated the bags if you want to add it for packing smoothly.

If you want to pack syringes and stuck the medical tape oustide packing film, you can use CB-250X high speed flow packing machine. Also we can design packing solutions if you want to add hole puncher and printer.

We should use CB-450XWS packing machine for medical gloves because they are too slippery and the block can’t push them to the packing line if we use upper film position.

Informations sur la machine

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