CHLB Packing Machine offering Automatic Feeding Packaging Line for cookies and biscuits manufacturers.

मूल्य प्राप्त करें

बिस्कुट के लिए आदर्श, ढेर पैकेजिंग समाधान पर क्रैकर और कुकीज़.

CB-ZF2 Packaging Line it’s automatic feeding, alignment, distribution and packaging system for industry like: खाना, Chemical, Pharmaceuticals and Hardware.

CB-ZF2 Cookies Packaging Line Video

मूल्य प्राप्त करें

Automatic Feeding & Packing Line CB-ZF2

Capacity50~200 Bags/Min (Single Lane)
Main Feeding Belt Width600/800/1000/1200(मिमी)
Outer Dimension(L*W*H)9000*950*1500(मिमी)
CHLB Packing Machine

शेयर करना
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CHLB Packing Machine

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