





Specifications can be customized to our packaging machines to pack granule products, including plant seeds, coffee, nuts or cereal, by using high-performance multi-head weighers.

Our machines can also be equipped with customized forming and sealing parts to achieve your need of pack styles changeover.

관련 포장기계

체적 컵을 이용한 수직 포장기
VFFS Machine With Volumetric Cup filler CB-420/520/680PV
Volumetric cup Feed Systems measure products by volume. Perfect for free flowing, small piece and granulated products like grains,...
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VFFS Packing Machine Quad Seal Bag Series CBQ1-520/680/820
A versatile attention-grabbing design that is very popular in the packaging industry, most notably in coffee, pet food, 사탕,...
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CBF1420 520
VFFS Machine Four Side Seal Bag Series CBF1-420/520/680
4 side seal pouch is a robust and simultaneously, cost-effective packaging solution. Optional design alternatives mean that this pouch...
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미니 VFFS 기계 CB-3220(G/C/L/P)
Mini VFFS machine series have 4 different metering system to pack small quantity fine granule, liquid, powder. Bag type...
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다열 수직형 포장기 CB6L-320/CB8L-450
Multi-lane stick packaging link line widely adapted to kinds of granules,powder liquid and other materials.It can complete a series...
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