





Specifications can be customized to our packaging machines to pack granule products, including plant seeds, 커피, nuts or cereal, by using high-performance multi-head weighers.

Our machines can also be equipped with customized forming and sealing parts to achieve your need of pack styles changeover.

관련 포장기계

체적 컵을 이용한 수직 포장기
체적 컵 필러 CB-420/520/680PV가 포함된 VFFS 기계
부피 측정 컵 공급 시스템은 부피별로 제품을 측정합니다.. 자유로운 흐름에 적합, 곡물과 같은 작은 조각 및 과립 제품,...
가격 확인
s02 img9 1
VFFS Packing Machine Quad Seal Bag Series CBQ1-520/680/820
A versatile attention-grabbing design that is very popular in the packaging industry, most notably in coffee, 애완동물 사료, 사탕,...
가격 확인
CBF1420 520
VFFS Machine Four Side Seal Bag Series CBF1-420/520/680
4 side seal pouch is a robust and simultaneously, cost-effective packaging solution. Optional design alternatives mean that this pouch...
가격 확인
미니 VFFS 기계 CB-3220(G/C/L/P)
Mini VFFS machine series have 4 different metering system to pack small quantity fine granule, liquid, powder. Bag type...
가격 확인
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다열 수직형 포장기 CB6L-320/CB8L-450
Multi-lane stick packaging link line widely adapted to kinds of granules,powder liquid and other materials.It can complete a series...
가격 확인


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