high speed bird seed bar packing machine


One of our customers in Australia had found our factory in August, 2018. He was interested in our full servo packing machine since the smart functions.

In the conversation, we knew that he needed a packaging machine for bird seed bar that can run in 60-100 bags/min. But he was more concerned about whether this machine can meet European safety standards.

According to his request, we have designed a packing machine which has basic functions

  • Empty prevention function
  • Product-cut prevention function
  • Memory function

More importantly, in order to comply with safety standards, we have added two glass shields and rotary brush on exit for the machine. It would be stopped immediately while the glass shield was open. It can pack single or twin stick bars after entering the production line.

Bird seed bar packing machine

Flow Wrap Packing Machine CB-300S
Tamanho da bolsa (L*W*H)L3900mm*W850mm*H1500mm
Packaging Speed60~100 bags/min
Poder3 KW

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